

May 1, 2021

I signed a contract! How exciting is that?!

(I was taught by my mentor only to use exclamation marks in extreme circumstances – writing should speak for itself. But this is a pretty extreme situation. Don’t you think?)


Writing a book was a mighty endeavour – one I never really dreamed of – but slowly as I wrote more and more, and was encouraged more and more, I started to think it was an achievable reality. And while I’m not yet holding a book in my hot little hands, I know I will be by the end of the year.

I signed a hybrid publishing deal with Koehler Books and the ball is rolling. I’ve had a couple of crack-of-dawn zoom meetings and seen the publishing timeline. The target date is 23 November 2021. It seems forever away and it will be no time at all.

I have learned that publishing is a very complicated process and one not easily undertaken. Apparently, most people who write a book give up on publishing because it becomes too hard. And many people who do publish a book barely sell 50 copies. While that doesn’t seem very encouraging, if I sell more than 50 copies I know I will have done well. I have 142 presales so perhaps that counts. Or perhaps not. Regardless, my goal is to sell more than 50 copies – a lot more – once it is in print.


My manuscript assessor Julie Gray asked me to write about my experience for her blog. Apparently, a lot of writers give up at this point because it all feels too overwhelming and too expensive. I had so much to say that I turned one post into two. I am nothing if not verbose. This bit hasn’t been particularly enjoyable – the bit between completing my manuscript and signing the contract. I really was floundering in unknown waters but I feel like I’ve been handed a life raft and I’m now sailing forward with my hand held.

There’s still a lot of work for me to do – hybrid publishing is a collaborative deal. But a lot of the guesswork has been taken away. Now I have guidance.

We’re getting into the nitty-gritty of the process now. I hope you’re watching this space, because not too far down the track I’ll be seeking your opinion on possible title changes and graphic design options for my book.

While all the behind-the-scenes magic is happening I need to dust off my writing cape and start writing again. My mental health has been an up-down road for a long time. In the past year, there have been an awful lot of ups but the current state of affairs is a bit of a down. I’m relying on my favourite old mantra – this too shall pass. It’s difficult to get creative when getting out of bed is a major challenge.


And I’m not turning back. I wrote a book and now it’s going to get out there. No mental health slump is going to get in my way. I’ve been stalked by demons but I am guarded by angels. Watch this space.

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