
You know how bad news comes in runs of three? That’s my superstition at any rate… Well apparently good news can do the same thing.

I had such a lovely weekend. First of all, my book.


I received an email with six cover designs in it and I was given the task of ranking them from 1-6. I pondered this task for 24 hours then sent off my opinion. And my opinion was that they were all fantastic but there were two I could not decide between. So those two have been selected by the design team and a poll has now been created on the Koehler Books website.

I would love you to vote in the poll!

Haven’t they done a great job?! And they are so different – I’m sure each one will appeal to people for a variety of reasons. But if you have a favourite then click the link and let us know. It’s very quick and easy to vote – I’m very appreciative of your support.

This book has been two years in the making so it’s pretty exciting to get to the pointy end of the process. It’s just 56 days until launch. Days! What’s not to like about that. I have received so much amazing support from people, I’m really looking forward to finally having something to share with you.


Shortly after I received the email about cover designs, I had a phone call from a friend. I was still in bed so it was a most excellent start to the day.

My husband and I have been offered a house and car swap for two and a half weeks over Christmas. So we’re going up to Byron Bay to enjoy some sunshine and sand. How cool is that?!

We had been umming and ahhhing about doing something for our wedding anniversary on 13 December but to be brutally honest, we couldn’t really afford to do anything much. But now, just a week after our anniversary we’re having a free holiday in northern NSW. We bought the flights with frequent flyer points so it’s all a win-win.

Things like this don’t usually happen to me so I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity.

And the people staying in our home are cat lovers (phew! I couldn’t abandon poor old Coco) plus they knew my dad very well and will get to see all his artwork hung around my home. While my house is very humble and my car is very old, I hope that they will enjoy being in beautiful Tasmania over the holiday break.

I am now inspired to do some spring cleaning over the next six weeks. Gotta crack out the spray and wipe.


Now, this might seem so dull and boring in the world of good news but trust me when I say, it was a very big deal to us!

I received a letter (a piece of paper hand delivered by a postman – these things feel so foreign in the 21st century). But a letter came from my health insurance company. How dull, I thought when I saw the logo on the envelope. Then I opened it (lucky I did – I sometimes don’t open boring mail…) and discovered that because we’ve been with the same insurance company for ten years, they’ll be reducing our monthly premium.

They’re reducing it by $150 a month.

I don’t know what you think, but to me that is enormous. A huge saving. Apparently, loyalty pays off and for that, I am also extremely grateful.

With all my mental health issues in the past five years, private health insurance has been an essential bill that we made the decision to keep paying – even when finding the money was very difficult. But having the insurance meant I was able to receive private psychiatric support and admissions and the difference that has made in my life is incalculable.


Good news feels great and when I feel great I get a little teeny bit impulsive.

I have been wanting new swimwear for the summer season (here in the southern hemisphere). Having put on a lot of weight in the past 18 months I don’t actually own anything that fits. I saw an advertisement on Instagram a while back and I have been following an Australian eco-friendly company for quite some time – very envious of all the swimsuits.

But yesterday I whipped out the tape measure and checked the size guide then ordered a rather expensive but hopefully amazing swimsuit. This one if you’re interested – it’s the cleverest design I’ve ever seen.

I chose brown and green as my grandmother always said autumn tones suit me and my friends agreed. It’s scary to order swimwear that isn’t black, but hopefully I will feel good in it. Well – as good as it is possible to feel while wearing a swimsuit when you’re a middle-aged woman with major body image issues.

So that’s all my news. Good news is always a reminder that all the bad things and sad moods of the past have passed me by and that things are different now. I know the pendulum will swing again – that’s life. But once it’s swung one way it will by its very nature, swing back here again.

I hope you’re having a lovely day but if you’re not, hang in there. Your pendulum will swing soon.

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