

Apr 7, 2018

I recently had a beautiful reminder that no matter how unpredictable the path ahead may seem, I have come so very far from the place I began.

It is natural and easy to look back to all that could have been different, and look ahead to all that is yet to be done. This sharing I received was a powerful moment where I realised I changed – I am not the person I was. Nor should I be.

Sometimes we forget how far we have traveled while we are looking ahead to the next steps. Good to lay down and remember what it took to get this far, all those karmic hoops we had to jump through, all those overcomings. Good to stroke our face with love and to remind ourselves how much courage it took and who we would have become if we hadn’t braved the journey. Good to say ‘thank you’ to the inner spirit that walks within and beside us, whispering sweet somethings in our inner ear, reminding us that we are simply and utterly worth fighting for. We ARE simply and utterly worth fighting for.

Jeff Brown
The inner spirit. I love that.

Whatever our individual faith and beliefs may be, we all have an inner spirit. That little voice of wisdom and love that talks to us. No matter how many ugly voices are talking in our heads, there is always a little voice countering the ugliness. Sometimes the destructive voices are so overpowering it’s impossible to hear – but it’s always there.

In all the therapy I’ve done over the years, that voice whispering sweet somethings and reminding me I am worth fighting for has become stronger.

It is only by looking back now, I can see how much stronger it has become. Three years ago it was inaudible and over time there have been echoes of whispers. Now that voice is stronger than ever and holding me responsible for my choices. Allowing more wisdom, more courage to walk the road in the face of fear, and hinting at a sense of peace to come. A sense I might one day accept the whole of me – as is. Here and now.

So I would like to bow my head in gratitude, and say Thank You to the gentle spirit that has waited patiently for me to become strong enough to listen and courageous enough to act.

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