This story is sad and breaks all the polite protocols of avoiding the difficult subject of suicide. But for some of us, this topic is all about real life and perhaps my sharing can spread some light. And perhaps a little hope.
This story is sad and breaks all the polite protocols of avoiding the difficult subject of suicide. But for some of us, this topic is all about real life and perhaps my sharing can spread some light. And perhaps a little hope.
Today my friend, I want to talk about grief. This is a hard story to write but let me start at the beginning.
January 28 will forever be a memorable day in my life. It is the day my mother was born. And it is the day my father died.
So folks . . . I did a thing. On Tuesday 30 May 2023, I had a gastric bypass done. A mini […]
For much of my life, I was driven and busy and energetic and doing shit all the time. I didn’t sleep. I ate a lot. All my spare time filled up with mothering or wifeing or friending or working or volunteering. It was a fairly typical life for someone in their thirties and forties. Then I imploded and everything changed.
Over the weeks and months and years of my healing journey, I have heard the word ‘boundaries’ whispered in my ear countless times. Although, sometimes it’s less of a whisper and more of a fish wife’s guttural screech, echoing around the chambers of my people-pleasing brain.
I take up space in this world and I don’t like it. I am wired to the core of my being to […]
I did a hard thing. Well… It was hard for me. Perhaps you would find it easy. Or impossible. Perhaps like me […]
Well a wedding is one thing, but discovering a little piece of Indonesia that rarely sees foreigners is a whole other exciting […]
I am so proud, excited and overwhelmed to share the story of my son’s marriage with you. It has been an exciting […]
I have made it abundantly clear since I started sharing my story with you, that I have an eating disorder. Or should I say, I had an eating disorder. I have been pursuing recovery since I first graced the doorstep of my psychologist in 2015 and I can say with absolute certainty that I have reached a very happy place when it comes to my relationship with food.
My house was spotless when I was growing up. I can take no credit for this – my mother was a meticulous […]
I was at the gym shop the other day, buying new gym clothes. As you do. While rifling through the racks I noticed clothing marked Size 0. WHAT DOES THAT ACTUALLY SAY ABOUT A WOMAN?
The things we take for granted . . . I have experienced a great deal of privilege in my life. I am […]
Becoming a grandma brings back all those beautiful memories of becoming a mum. Being a new mum brought me – without a doubt – the happiest times of my life. I love newborn babies.