
The Mighty are running monthly self-confidence challenges all year. I religiously did the daily writing in January. Was too exhausted to do whatever the February challenge was! But Iā€™m going to drop in late and start the March Challenge. The week three task is:

Continue to focus on accomplishing the task list you made during week two. Your list should include easy-to-accomplish items that show a mastery of your skills. When you cross an item off your list, take a selfie or a photo of your accomplishment, and post it somewhere (it could be social media or on a wall in your house) to remind yourself of your accomplishments.

So yesterday (day before?!) I said I’d take photos to represent my five strengths. Here’s a rough, vague, kinda sorta representation of what are (apparently) my five strengths.
1. Kindness and generosity: I need to send a little my own way….

I bought myself a new dress and cardigan. It had an extra 20% off the reduced price so really I could say I’ve saved money šŸ˜€
2. Honesty, authenticity, and genuineness: I can’t acknowledge my feelings. I try – but I don’t feel them. I can’t identify them.

So when making a cup of tea this afternoon, instead of playing on my phone while waiting for the kettle to boil, I just stood there. Doing nothing. Thinking. Something I normally avoid like the plague. I noticed how incredibly fast my heart was pounding (105bpm – about twice my normal resting heart rate). I was anxious. No idea why. But I felt this was a good genuine moment for me. I tried anyway!
3. Judgment, critical thinking, and open-mindedness: The things I am most resistant to, are no doubt the things I really need to embrace.

It may seem a very small thing… But I was incredibly resistant to taking multivitamins. My nutrition intake is poor, but I felt I should be able to recover first. As it turns out, my eating disorder is struggling, so I’ve succumbed and started taking them. I  just realised the past three days are the first time in well over a year  I haven’t experienced overwhelming fatigue.
4. Leadership:  I need to accept the leadership of those who understand this disease and recovery process so much better than me.

I have joined this facebook group and found hope and community and someone who has recovered and is so inspirational. I am seriously considering doing her next private group course. It’s a lot of money – but my health is an investment. I just have to be sure I’m ready to do what needs to be done before I invest.
5. Modesty and humility: Quit whinging. Quit looking at why and how. Follow the lead of those who know.

I haven’t done this yet. But much like number four, I accept I need to start doing what the support people around me keep telling me to do. Trust. And let them lead the way.

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