The Mighty

19 January

Personal Prompt: What is the kindest thing you can do for yourself? Make a list of ways you can accomplish this.
Nourish my body – eat healthy food on a regular basis without purging.
No idea…
But I’ll give it a go.
1. Wake up each day and make the decision to eat food.
2. Use water and cups of tea to avoid binging between meals.
3. Eat foods I KNOW that I can keep down – because the out of control often happens after purging
4. Never eat alone
5. Eat fruit and vegetables every day – before other rubbish
Creative Prompt: Design a new restaurant. What kind of food does it serve, where is it located, etc?
No. I don’t want to.
What could I possibly design that doesn’t already exist in one form or another?! Unless I start an insect restaurant or some food that nobody yet eats in the western world. But I’m not going to do that, because I’m not going to eat insects.
I do like the concept of restaurants that somehow support society. There is a lovely Indian restaurant in Perth that we went to. All the food has no price – you pay what you think it’s worth. If you have no money, it’s free. The food is all made by the owner’s wife and his family, and all the funds raised go back to support something in India – I can’t remember what…
I’ve also just discovered a little local cafe that makes lovely food but most of the staff are young people that need support gaining work skills and employment experience. Some of them have disabilities. Some might be long term unemployed. There are also volunteers working there that teach and support the people needing assistance. And the food and drink was lovely so I think I will make an effort to support it regularly.
Plus there’s another little cafe a bit further away that is run by refugees and it serves traditional foods. For just $9 you get a massive plate, filled to the brim, of traditional foods, and again the money raised supports the refugee people. And loads of them work in it etc.
So if I was going to design and run a restaurant, it would be more about how it could serve the community rather than how clever and fancy I could make it in order to make money. Having said that, I would never run a restaurant. Hospitality is not my industry…

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18 January

January 18, 2017

20 January

January 20, 2017