The Mighty

12 January

Personal Prompt: What is one thing you’ve always dreamed of doing but are too afraid to try? Make a pros and cons list to further evaluate your options.
I honestly have no idea… There are loads of things I’ve dreamed of doing but for one reason or another have not been able to. I really am coming up clueless… So instead, I will name a couple of things I’ve always dreamed of doing but haven’t yet done because of either money, motivation or time.
Dancing: I would LOVE to do dancing (particularly ballroom or swing), but as my husband hates and despises the idea, I have never done it. I don’t want to go alone, and I know dance studios are always full of too many women and not enough men. I don’t really have and concern about my ability – whether I suck or star at it doesn’t matter, I don’t feel particularly stressed either way. I just would like to do dancing as something with my husband, not a stranger, and so it has always been an impossibility. And will no doubt remain so.
Travel: We have done a little bit of travel, but sadly it is a very expensive past-time! So we haven’t done a lot. My big dream is that one day my husband and I will pack up a car and go travel around Australia for a whole year. I’m hoping we can do it inside the next ten years, but it will require having the money to do it, plus him being able to take 12 months off work and still have a job when we get back. Because by then he’ll be 60+ and getting another job at that age will be impossible. Fingers crossed this is a dream that one day comes true.
Cradle Mountain – Lake St Clair Walk: I dream of doing this! But I can’t do it alone. I don’t have a walking buddy to do it with. And I have no desire to go on an organised tour kind of walk… I would only enjoy it with a friend, or a small group of friends. I also have back issues so I do question my ability to carry a backpack for three days straight… But that is a lesser issue. Can’t do the walk alone. Can’t find someone to do it with me…
Creative Prompt: You wake up one morning and discover you’ve developed a superpower! What is your superpower? Describe your superhero persona.
My superpower would be granting wishes 🙂 Just one wish per person – don’t want them to get too greedy! So I guess I’d be like a genie in a bottle – but without the bottle, and the bikini.
I might start with granting myself a wish, and doing the cradle mountain – lake st clair walk 🙂 Then I would work my way through people I know and ask them to think carefully about their wish because they only get one, and all consequences must be thought through.
And I wouldn’t allow “money” wishes – ie no “winning lotto tickets” or a million dollar kind of wishes… They need to be important things – things that improve a life. Because that’s far more important than money. And money alone cannot improve lives. Unless you’re poverty stricken… But then the issue is usually lack of employment or means to make money, so that would be the important wish, not a pile of cash.
So I guess I would be a slightly mean genie/superhero…

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11 January

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