The silly season is upon us, in all its gold and green, red and silver finery. There’s tinsel and wreaths and candles. Everything’s shiny and scented, and it’s a very messy, merry time of year.
And all that mess makes my legs wriggle more.
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a bit of a bother – to put it gently. Some people have mild symptoms that are irritating but managed with everyday lifestyle changes. Many of us have moderate to severe symptoms that are difficult to manage and easily triggered. I’m in the latter group.
Holiday consumption temptation
The trouble with the silly season is there is an inclination to do silly things. If there’s one thing we humans like to do during periods of celebration, it is to eat and drink. A lot of lifestyle changes that help manage, or at least not aggravate RLS relate to things we consume. Caffeine, alcohol, and high sugar foods are all known risk factors. But caffeine, alcohol, and sugary delights are in abundance throughout December, and sometimes the siren call of the sumptuous feast is too much to bear.
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Image and links courtesy of Health Union and Restless Legs Syndrome Health Info & Community (sleep-disorders.net)