08 January
Personal Prompt: You’re going back to school! What would you study and why?
Too easy – I AM going back to school – 1 March 2017 to be precise! I have enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Journalism, Media & Communications. It’s just a one year honours course to give me some research skills and background in case I decide I want to go ahead and do a PhD. I’m really excited about going back to study 🙂 Very much looking forward to it and really enjoying the chance to start doing more with my writing. Not that I’m a professional writer… Or even pretend to be. But I’d like to get much better at it and to start to use whatever skills I actually may or may not have in this area.
People keep asking me why I want to do this course – grandma of course wants to know if I’ll make money from it (umm… no! You don’t make money from studying at university…) I don’t know what it will lead to, but I do know it “feels” right. And given how tumultuous the past year was, something that feels right is something I’m going to follow at the moment. I am really hoping to gain not only improved writing and research skills, but to perhaps make some contact with people in the know and people in the industry (writing – not journalism, I don’t actually want to be a journalist!) and see if they can help point me in the right direction and help me find a little niche that I can settle in.
So to answer the question in a succinct manner – I will study journalism. Because I want to 🙂
Creative Prompt: Create a new game show. (What are the rules? How many contestants are there? What sort of prizes are there?)A new game show? I don’t like this challenge…
Umm… I’ll work backward through the questions.
Prizes – the prize is to Get Out of Jail Free + Win a free university degree
Contestants – starts off with 20 and whittles down to two
Rules – currently incarcerated; must have chosen to ‘plead guilty’ at time of of arrest; must be a non-violent crime; must demonstrate remorse; must demonstrate value to society…
Freedom Fighters – prisoners given the chance to win their freedom by living in a “big brother” type house (obviously a prison-house…) and they have to do all the big brother type of stupid tasks etc but also demonstrate high moral fibre and win popular votes and win the respect of their house mates etc.
Stupid challenge. Don’t like it.
But if any of my children ever end up incarcerated, I’ll be stalking the television executives and spruiking my idea…